The Periclean Progress E-Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 2- December 2010 The Periclean Progress is a publication of Project Pericles, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that encourages and facilitates commitments by colleges and universities to include education for social responsibility and participatory citizenship as an essential part of their educational programs, in the classroom, on the campus, and in the community.
· National Office Announcements Project Pericles Welcomes Goucher College: Project Pericles is pleased to announce that Goucher College, a leader in educating young people to be effective citizens, has joined Project Pericles, bringing the number of Periclean colleges and universities to 29. Goucher College has many exciting civic engagement programs and is the first college in the United States to require all students to participate in a study abroad experience. Under its President Sanford J. Ungar, Goucher College, as a Periclean, will advance its civic engagement efforts. The Project Pericles Program Directors at Goucher are Emily Perl, Associate Dean for Student Engagement, and Michael Curry, Professor of Theater. New Presidents at Pericleans: Four leaders with a track record of promoting social responsibility and participatory citizenship in higher education have become presidents at Periclean institutions. Steven G. Poskanzer is the new President at Carleton College. Marlene Gerber Fried is the Acting President at Hampshire College. John E.F. (Jef) Corson is the Interim President at Ursinus College. Bobby Fong, the President of Butler University, will become the new President of Ursinus College this fall. David E. Van Zandt, the current Dean at Northwestern Law School, will become President of The New School on January 1, 2011. D4D Legislative Hearing Participants Continue Advocacy Efforts: Students from six Periclean campuses have been busy implementing the thoughtful advocacy and education plans that they developed over the summer. The teams are educating people in their community about their issue and trying to convince their Member of Congress to support their position on public policy issues. These six student teams were selected to participate in the legislative hearings at the 2010 D4D National Conference. This unique event provided students a forum to articulate their solutions to some of today's most important public policy issues by presenting original letters written to Members of Congress to a "legislative committee" consisting of former U.S. Senators Nancy Kassebaum Baker, Bob Kerrey, and Harris Wofford. Each of the six teams received an award from Project Pericles to fund an advocacy and education plan. We are highlighting the work of the teams below. Berea College, "A Letter Concerning the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-AL)" Charles Badger, Matthew Callo, and Amber Stanton This letter encouraged Congressman Bachus to vote no on HR 2587, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Reform Act of 2009, which proposes that any revenue generated by the rehabilitation of abandoned or foreclosed property be deposited into a U.S. Treasury account for public debt reduction. The letter also encourages the Congressman to vote yes on HR 3204, which authorizes states and localities receiving emergency assistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to use those funds to renovate single-family housing in need of repair. Update: "During Berea College's spring break, we will travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with Members of Congress and others to discuss our proposal and the positive impact that neighborhood stabilization could have on local communities in need. We want to schedule time to discuss the bills with Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-AL), the incoming chair of the House Committee on Financial Services (Congressman Bachus is also the original recipient of Berea's D4D letter, so this meeting will carry special significance to our team), as well as Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), incoming chair of the Financial Institutions Subcommittee and co-sponsor of HR 2587. We will also try and schedule some time with Representative Michael Turner (R-OH) who sponsored HR 3204." Carleton College, "A Letter in Support of a Holistic Federal Surface Transportation Bill to Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)" Dan Levy, Logan Nash, and Charlotte Turovsky This letter outlined the team's vision for improving federal surface transportation policy, especially providing more funding for environmentally-friendly public transit and light rail. Update: "Since the conference, we have continued to work with local partners in the Northfield Grassroots Transit Initiative to promote more and better transportation options in our community of Northfield, MN. The initiative's current goal is to examine how to restore and improve rail and bus connections between Northfield and the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area. To this end, we have been involved in discussions with local leaders, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council. On October 26th, we worked with the Grassroots Transit Initiative to hold a consultative summit about the corridor with community stakeholders. Carleton President Steven Poskanzer was there to open this pivotal meeting. We are also moving forward with our federal advocacy campaign, and are designing a social network site where users can post pictures, videos, and stories about where transportation policies have failed them. We then plan to aggregate these experiences into a presentation that we will deliver to our own federal legislators and make public online." Chatham University "A Letter Concerning Childcare Subsidies to Congressman Michael Doyle (D-PA)" Jillian Myers, Amber Phillips, and Laura Reigle This letter supported transferring the oversight of funding for childcare subsidies from the states to the federal government, in order to ensure that working parents continue to receive these subsidies. Update: "Since the conference, we have analyzed the issues surrounding our topic of childcare subsidies to determine how we can be most effective in our campaign. Because it appears that so many families are unaware of the subsidy and/or how to apply, we feel that education is the most valuable resource we can provide in the immediate future. As such, we have set forth to create a pamphlet with information regarding the current childcare subsidy, pertinent statistics, local childcare providers currently accepting the childcare subsidy and also a tear-off mailer that allows individuals to add their names to a petition regarding childcare subsidy expansion. The pamphlets will be distributed at targeted sites to provide maximum exposure to the families most in need. We plan to distribute the pamphlets to partnering organizations in January 2011. In April 2011, we will forward all petition signatures to our local, state, and federal elected officials to show our support for an expansion of the childcare subsidy program." Earlham College, "A Letter in Support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of 2009 to Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN)" Conor Hall, Mary Jones, and Hannah Hale Leifheit This letter urged passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) of 2009, which would prohibit discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Update: "We met with Spectrum which is a positive transgender, bisexual, gay, lesbian, transsexual, and ally collegiate community organization with the purpose of providing support, engendering community, and promoting activism at Earlham College as well as in Richmond, Indiana and look forward to a letter writing campaign in the spring to Senators and Representatives regarding the need to include transgendered individuals in ENDA. Earlham hosts monthly Forums - morning presentations where preselected community members speak to both the Earlham and Richmond communities on a topic which serves to educate attendees. We hope to present in the spring. Day trips to the offices of Senators and Representatives and a weekend lobbying trip to Washington D.C. are also scheduled this spring. We hope to use Spectrum and Student Government to help reach out to the student body, use small information sessions to spread the word about ENDA and the need to protect gender identity, and help create a group of students who will accompany us around Indiana and to Washington D.C. to meet with our elected officials. To better understand the discrimination that takes place in the wider community and to educate Richmond on ENDA, we will meet with Richmond City Council, the Mayor, and the Human Rights Commission." Elon University, "A Letter in Support of the Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Improvement Act to Senator Scott Brown (R-MA)" Erin Mellett, Zachary Power, and Collin Watson This letter supported the Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Improvement Act, which provides funding for the development and use of small modular nuclear reactors, a transportable form of nuclear power. Update: "With the $500 awarded to us by Project Pericles, we plan to coordinate, in conjunction with the Sierra Club on Elon University's campus, a field trip to the Harris Nuclear Power Plant in North Carolina. This trip will provide students a greater understanding of the complex process of nuclear fission and will hopefully provide insight into the benefits of nuclear power. Following the field trip, we will design, publish, and disseminate posters providing basic, factual information about nuclear energy while outlining the environmental benefits of nuclear energy." Swarthmore College, "A Letter in Support of the DREAM Act to Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA)" Jovanna Hernandez, Katherine Lam, and Kimberly St. Julian This letter urged Senator Specter to reintroduce the DREAM Act, which allows undocumented children of immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for at least four years and who graduate from high school to pay in-state tuition at a state college. The author has a sister who would qualify for this program. Update: "We hosted many events this past year to educate others about the DREAM Act and to advocate for its passage. 1) We lobbied with other DREAM Activists in Philadelphia to encourage Senator Casey to support the DREAM Act. 2) We successfully petitioned with other student groups on campus to get President Rebecca Chopp to publicly endorse the DREAM Act and to write to Members of Congress on this issue. To achieve this goal, we organized and moderated a panel on the DREAM Act, which received significant attendance from Swarthmore students and faculty. The panel featured Judy Bernstein-Baker, an immigration lawyer; David Bennion, an immigration attorney and journalist; Maria Marroquin, the founder of; Pamela Saldovar, an undocumented student at Temple University; and Daniel Mendez, another undocumented student. 3) We screened the movie Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth on campus, as well as hosted a Parlor Party, called "Wake Up! DREAM Act Parlor Party", with coffee and snacks, to raise further awareness about the DREAM Act on campus. 4) Twenty Swarthmore students marched from Philadelphia to Swarthmore this past spring with DREAM activists on the Trail for Dreams NYC, in which five immigrant students marched 250 miles from New York City to Washington, D.C. to call for the immediate passage of the DREAM Act and a moratorium on the deportation of DREAM Act eligible students. 5) When the DREAM Act was up for vote this fall, we hosted a pizza and phone banking event in which Swarthmore students called their Senators to urge them to vote in favor of its passage. The Senate failed to collect the necessary 60 votes for cloture on the bill, and the bill was defeated on September 21, 2010. The struggle continues to get the DREAM Act passed." 2010 Program Directors' Conference Held at Elon University: More than 30 civic engagement leaders attended the annual Project Pericles Program Directors' Conference at Elon University on November 15 and 16. During the conference, Program Directors from 27 of the 29 Periclean campuses met to discuss issues of common concern. A group photo of the attendees appears above. Many of the Program Directors mentioned that they find this conference valuable because it allows them the opportunity to discuss important civic engagement issues with their colleagues from other campuses. One Program Director said, "I really enjoyed the collaboration. It was a very open environment that allowed people to exchange amazing ideas." The conference began with opening remarks from Eugene M. Lang, the Chair of Project Pericles, Jan R. Liss, the Executive Director of Project Pericles, Tom Arcaro, the program director at Elon, and Connie Book, the Associate Provost at Elon. The first day of the conference featured a lunch time discussion entitled "The Landscape of Higher Education Pedagogy and Service Learning" led by Alison Morrison-Shetlar, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Elon, and Peter Felten, the Director for the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning at Elon. In the afternoon, Jan Liss led a discussion on the Periclean Faculty Leadership Program that featured Brian Nienhaus, the Periclean Faculty Leader at Elon University. Nienhaus discussed the course he will be teaching this winter "Business and Sustainability." He will be taking a group of business students to Mexico to study this important issue. A highlight of the first day of the conference was presentations by Elon students on the Periclean Scholars Program, a program at Elon committed to raising the university community's level of civic engagement and social responsibility. Through global partnerships, each class of Periclean Scholars creates projects and goals relating to its country of focus and works on these from sophomore year through graduation. A Program Director commented on "the amazing things that students can accomplish when they are carefully guided over four years." Following a campus tour, the Program Directors attended a wonderful dinner at the home of President Leo Lambert and Laurie Lambert. On day two, Amy Koritz, the Program Director at Drew University, and Heather Novak, the Program Director at Pace University, led a discussion on "Making the Case for Civic Engagement in Lean Times." Heather Novak said that "being lean and leveraging relationships is critical." Amy Koritzdiscussed the importance of "looking for collaboration and synergies." Next, Adrienne Falcon, the Program Director from Carleton College, led a discussion on "Creating a Collaborative, Site-Based Curriculum." A Program Director said that this session helped them appreciate the different ways that civic engagement is "implemented, documented, assessed, and celebrated." The conference concluded with a session led by Tessa Hicks Peterson, the Program Director at Pitzer College, and Paul Schadewald, the Interim Program Director at Macalester College, on "The Role of the Public Scholar." Tessa Hicks pointed out that there are "a lot of ways this [public scholarship] is defined and practiced" and reminded people that there is a rich history in the development of public scholarship. Paul Schadewald discussed the importance of supporting public scholarship on campuses. A Program Director remarked that it "helped me think through the links between traditional scholarship and public scholarship more fully." Project Pericles thanks everybody who helped make this conference such a success, with special thanks to President Leo Lambert, Tom Arcaro and their colleagues from Elon University. Project Pericles Launches Signature Periclean Faculty Leadership Program: In April, Project Pericles selected the first cohort of 26 faculty from 26 Periclean campuses to serve as the Periclean Faculty Leader on their campus. During the 2010-2011 academic year, the Periclean Faculty Leaders are creating and teaching courses in a wide variety of disciplines in the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences that address issues of social concern, enrich curriculum, and enhance student social interest and involvement. They are also organizing campus-wide activities and/or preparing an academic paper or project. We thank The Teagle Foundation and the Eugene M. Lang Foundation for supporting this new signature Periclean program. Click here to view the complete list of 2010 Periclean Faculty Leaders and their courses. The Project Pericles website contains syllabi for courses being taught this fall and from other civic engagement courses including the 44 Civic Engagement Courses (CECs) that were taught at 16 Periclean colleges and universities from 2007-2009. The CEC program received generous support from the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation, The Teagle Foundation, and the Eugene M. Lang Foundation. In each issue of the 2010-2011 Periclean Progress, a Periclean Faculty Leader will contribute an article. In this issue, Thomas (T.J.) D. Eatmon, Jr., an Assistant Professor at Allegheny College, discusses his exciting course "Environmental Education." "According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the U.S. Department of Education, each weekend children around the country are Thomas (T.J) Eatmon, Allegheny College inundated with more than 50 junk food commercials per hour as they watch Saturday morning cartoons alone and unsupervised. Though school is out, they continue to learn through a hidden curriculum. This curriculum teaches them that the wonders of life can be experienced indoors through television and the Internet, that relationships with people and places are not important, and that food is cheap, abundant, and comes from store shelves and fast food windows. While these children consume fast food values, middle school students enrolled in the Allegheny College Critical Thinking Immersion program, "Science, Technology, and Sustainability," spend their Saturday mornings teaching slow food values to local community members. This class is designed and taught by Allegheny College students as the community engagement component of my Periclean Faculty course "Environmental Education." Our goal is to utilize experiential learning and community engagement to create bridges between classrooms and the communities that contain them, while also strengthening relationships between communities and the ecosystems that sustain them. The interconnectivity of classrooms, communities, and ecosystems illustrates three themes that form the foundation of my environmental education course. The first course theme, education about the environment, emphasizes the importance of whole systems thinking in examining social systems, ecosystems, and interactions between the two. When we examine the hierarchy that exists within these complex systems, we find that social systems are a part of larger ecosystems and do not exist apart from them. Similarly, education systems do not exist in isolation, but are embedded in larger communities. Therefore the fate of communities and ecosystems are inextricably intertwined. The same is true of educational systems and their surrounding communities. However, knowing about complex interactive systems and environmental degradation is inadequate if we no longer care about our environment. Therefore the second course theme, education in the environment, emphasizes the importance of forming relationships with nature. As we build communities that are increasingly separated from nature, we destroy a kinship with nature that has developed over thousands of years. The result is a generation of citizens who associate the natural world with feelings of fear, anger, and control rather than feelings of love, sacrifice, and stewardship. We can expect such a generation to address environmental degradation with technological fixes that ignore the root causes of these issues. The third course theme, education for the environment, emphasizes the importance of using our knowledge and passion to take strategic actions that effect change. Our community engagement project is designed to allow Allegheny College students to gain firsthand experience in this area. Aquaponic systems combine aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (soilless gardening) into a low cost, environmentally friendly food production technology. As part of their class "Science, Technology, and Sustainability," Allegheny College students use these systems to address the first theme of the course by communicating principles of ecological literacy and systems thinking. Students address the second theme of the course by facilitating semi-structured, open inquiry activities that allow the middle school students to interact with several aquaponic systems in our campus greenhouse. Middle school students then present a 250 gallon demonstration aquaponics system to community members on Saturday mornings at the Meadville Market House, the hub of the Meadville community and the oldest market house in continuous use in Pennsylvania. Here local produce such as meats, cheeses, milk, and value-added products are sold and a small diner provides customers with meals made from locally grown foods. This setting provides the perfect environment for the middle school students to speak with local community members about principles of ecology, increasing awareness of sustainable human-environment interactions. "Environmental Education" thus becomes education that recognizes the importance of the environment (social and ecological) in shaping the education process, while also recognizing the importance of the education process in shaping the environment. As information flows from Allegheny students to middle school students, from middle school students to community members, and from experiences with community members back into classrooms, feedback loops are created that reinforce our course goals and objectives. My role in the experience is one of a facilitator, relying on the self-organizing systems that have been established to become the sources of new knowledge and expertise. My hope is that new knowledge from new experiences will produce new ways of thinking in new leaders." · News from Project Pericles Program Directors Hendrix College Students Honored: Hendrix College's Model United Nations team was awarded one of six national "Best Delegation" citations at the 2010 American Model United Nations Conference last month in Chicago. One hundred colleges and universities and 1,500 student delegates attended this year's conference. The Hendrix team "represented" the People's Republic of China. Five Hendrixstudents also won separate Best Delegation honors for their work in three of the conference's simulations. Port Richmond-Wagner College Community Partnership: Wagner College's philosophy integrates community service with the college experience. The partnership established in 2009 between Wagnerand Port Richmond, a community in Staten Island, is an example of how students combine their studies with community service while also creating an extension of their own college community. The partnership is based on an understanding between Wagner and Port Richmond, first discussed in 2008 as a plan to expand upon the success of the Civic Innovations Program. In the past decade, the North Shore Staten Island community of Port Richmond, a primarily Latino community, has been struggling with high rates of poverty. However, there is growing opportunity along its commercial strip. Parties in both communities share in a desire to improve conditions through education and tap into the existing strengths by building significant, sustainable partnerships through three objectives: Meeting Educational Needs; Meeting Health Care Needs; Meeting Economic Needs. The submersion of students into the Port Richmond community is based on linking certain classes throughout the curriculum to specific agencies. Students have a chance to work with these agencies across all divisions of the college, from the Social Sciences, Humanities, Sciences, and the Arts. Professor Janice Buddensick and her business administration students develop financial education modules for elementary school children in the Port Richmond public schools. These are designed to aid children in after-school programs in learning about personal finances and the global economy. In the coming years, Wagner business and government students will work on more advanced versions of the program suitable for use by Port Richmond High School students and the adult community. Professors Dan Stuckart (Education) and Sarah J. Scott (Art History), the Project Pericles Program Director at Wagner, have developed a Freshman Learning Community program where students tutor Port Richmond elementary school children. Wagner students help the children learn about children's literature, elementary education, and global civilizations and material culture and the arts. In 2010 Wagner received a $100,000 grant from the Association of American Colleges and Universities. This award will be used to study the next two years of the program, with the aim of measuring the impact the program has on both the students and the community. In September, a day-long celebration was held highlighting the programs and people involved with the Port Richmond partnership. "The Making and Remaking of Port Richmond" hosted authors Phillip Papas and Lori Weintrob (Wagner College Professor of History), community members Steve Rugirello (fireman and long-time resident), Gonzalo Mercado, of El Centro, and Maria Morales, a new restaurant owner. The day's events included short lectures, a roundtable discussion, and slideshow on the past, present, and future of Port Richmond. Students, faculty, staff, and community members actively participated in the spirit of the Wagner Plan, offering a rich picture of the extended Wagner community. Widener University Featured in Newsweek Article on Making Community Service a Part of the Curriculum: Widener University was featured in an article in Newsweek on colleges and universities that are making community service and classes devoted to social change a part of the curriculum. In the article, a Widener student says, "I was especially attracted to this program at Widener because it is much easier to make a lasting change in a community when you have the support of the administration of the school." Widener University President Elected Vice President of CUMU: Widener University President James T. Harris was elected vice president of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) at the organization's annual conference. Founded in 1990, CUMU is the premier higher education resource for urban and metropolitan institutions that seek new ways of using their human and physical resources to address the problems of their metropolitan area. CUMU is a leadership organization bringing together presidents, administrators, and faculty to share best practices through conferences, seminars, networks, and publications, including the internationally recognized Metropolitan Universities Journal. The Coalition includes 80 member universities that represent over 50 metropolitan communities. For more information on CUMU, click here. Pitzer Students Join Jumpstart: This fall at the Claremont Colleges, forty students were chosen to join the Pitzer College chapter of Jumpstart, a national non-profit with the mission of working toward the day every child in America enters school prepared to succeed. Jumpstart Teams are placed in local preschools serving low-income families and, in partnership with the schools and teachers, college students implement a rigorous literacy curriculum and family outreach program. Jumpstart also strives to create future teachers and leaders in education by providing an extensive training regimen for its students and offering unique leadership opportunities in the classroom. Pitzer's Jumpstart Corps Members spend time in their teams planning and preparing for curriculum and brainstorming for successful classroom management. In November, Jumpstart at the Claremont Colleges launched the first of its Citizenship Training sequence. The Citizenship trainings allow space for students to study and reflect on community service, civic engagement and social responsibility. The first training focused on inequality in education and the structural causes for this inequality as well as the policy-based or non-profit-based solutions which have been proposed to address this inequality. Students discussed issues of inequality in education, the impact of poverty and inequality on children and learning outcomes, and different solutions which empower children and families to help break this cycle of poverty. With this study, Jumpstart Corps Members are able to better serve their children and design service projects which address some of the needs of the communities. Corps Members integrate with their communities in a series of service events-inviting the families from their partner preschool to attend events on the college campuses, providing family-friendly activities at a community-wide multi-cultural festival, serving food and organizing donations at a local food bank and working closely with the preschools to assess the needs and assets of that school and community to design resource days at the preschools. This story was written by Debbie Lieberman from Pitzer College. Grant from U.S. Embassy in Sri Lanka Assists Periclean Scholars at Elon: Periclean Scholars in the Class of 2011 from Elon University have worked for three years to raise awareness of environmental issues in the nation of Sri Lanka. In January, the group will host a national conference there with support from a $5,000 grant from the American Cultural Center run by the U.S. Embassy. The January 22-23, 2011 summit will be overseen by Professor Crista Arangala, mentor of the Periclean Scholars Class of 2011, and Professor Tom Arcaro, the Project Pericles Program Director at Elon University, with support from partners and administrators from the University of Colombo and other leaders in and around the city of Colombo. The goal of the summit is to facilitate communication between distinguished scholars, globally recognized leaders, and invited guests on issues of environmental education and stewardship, focusing specifically on how these issues affect and impact the regions and peoples of Sri Lanka. Upward of 300 conference attendees are expected. Ten speakers are taking part in the summit, including two keynote speakers, and organizers believe the conference may generate media coverage from the likes of Sri Lankan news outlets as well as the BBC. Periclean Scholars have partnered with the University of Colombo, the American Cultural Center and Rainforest Rescue International to organize the event. This article was written by Eric Townsend and originally appeared on the Elon University website. First Rhodes Scholarship Awarded to Ursinus College Student: Aakash K. Shah, a graduate of Ursinus College, was recently named a Rhodes Scholar. At Ursinus, Shah majored in inequality studies, biology and neuroscience. A Goldwater Scholar and junior member of Phi Beta Kappa, Shah was on the varsity track team, worked with United Students Against Sweatshops in Mexico, and examined environmental health problems in Indian slums. He plans a career combining clinical and academic medicine with global health policy. Morehouse Students Visit Haiti for Spring Break: A group of Morehouse College students spent this past spring break in Haiti where they used most their time distributing food, water, and clothes to people who were devastated by the effects of the January earthquake. Morehouse seniors Jacques Pape and Ezekiel Phillips led the group that visited Haiti as American volunteers in the relief efforts. For Pape, a Haitian native, this trip was a chance for more people to witness firsthand what the conditions were like in the region. Pape said, "When everything happened I was the only student in the American University of the Caribbean (AUC) who went to Haiti. Yet one voice was only so strong. By bringing Morehouse students to Haiti, they serve as ambassadors for not just Morehouse and the AUC but the U.S. in general. For the first few days, the group provided food, water, and clothes for people throughout the Port-Au-Prince region. In one day, they laid the foundation for 150 homes in a small Port-Au-Prince province that hadn't been touched by any international organization up to that point. Pape and other Morehousestudents plan to go back during spring break in 2011. The Periclean Progress is issued each month during the academic year and is posted on the Project Pericles website. To subscribe, email us at [email protected]. To submit Periclean-related information for publication, email us at [email protected]. "CLAIMING THE LEGACY OF PERICLES"® Periclean Colleges & Universities Allegheny College • Bates College • Berea College • Bethune-Cookman University • Carleton College • Chatham University • Dillard University • Drew University • Earlham College • Elon University • Goucher College • Hampshire College • Hendrix College • Macalester College • Morehouse College • New England College • The New School • Occidental College • Pace University • Pitzer College • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute • Rhodes College • St. Mary's College of Maryland • Spelman College • Swarthmore College • Ursinus College • Wagner College • Widener University • The College of Wooster National Office Executive Director: Jan R. Liss Board of Directors Chair: Eugene M. Lang Presidents' Council Chair: Brian Rosenberg, Macalester College National Board of Advisors Co-Chairs: Sen. Nancy Kassebaum Baker & Hon. Kurt L. Schmoke The title "Project Pericles ®," and its embodiment in the Logo, are registered service marks of Project Pericles, Inc. All rights reserved. Comments are closed.
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