Civic Engagement ResourcesProject Pericles's civic engagement resources are for faculty, across all disciplines, who are interested in: civic engagement course syllabi, community-engaged learning, deliberative dialogue, nonpartisan voter education, and addressing voter suppression. These resources can also be adapted by staff and educators in contexts beyond higher education.
When resources are used together, students can see the connections between the issues that affect them, their elected officials, the impact of their vote, and how they can combat voter suppression. These resources were developed in collaboration with faculty members in our Periclean consortium and more than 50 additional institutions, in addition to the Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition. |
Civic Engagement Resources
Project Pericles has five sections of civic engagement resources: the Civic Engagement Resource Database, Voting Modules, Deliberative Dialogue Discussions, Voter Suppression Module, and Publications.
Civic Engagement Resource DatabaseIf you are looking for inspiration to see how real faculty members integrate civic engagement into their courses, take a look at our interactive civic engagement resource database. The database includes examples of entire course syllabi and single modules, activities, or assignments that incorporate civic engagement into the curriculum.
Periclean Voter Activation ModulesIf you are looking for single modules, activities and assignments that you can include in your course to educate students about how to vote, why voting matters, and addressing voting rights challenges, explore the Periclean Voting Modules.
Deliberative Dialogue DIscussions ModuleIf you are looking for resources to help facilitate deliberative dialogue discussions that connect academic content to real-world policy, explore the Deliberative Dialogue Discussion module.
PublicationsRead white papers and articles about how faculty members at higher educational institutions strategically integrate civic education into the curriculum.
Add Periclean civic engagement resources to your Drive.
You can also access all of Project Pericles' original civic engagement resources on Google Drive. When downloading the Google Drive folder, all files will be saved in Microsoft Office friendly formats, such as Word Documents and Powerpoint presentations.
This project is supported by the Eugene M. Lang Foundation and the Mellon Foundation, with additional support from The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the Teagle Foundation, the SLSV Coalition, and Up to Us/Net Impact. Special thanks to collaborators: Periclean Faculty Leaders, Project Pericles Program Directors, Faculty Fellows, and members of the SLSV Coalition.
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