Student Choices - Student Voices (SCSV) is a Periclean program that encourages colleges and universities to develop innovative programs to engage voters in the election process. SCSV seeks to increase voter registration and voting by students and community members. As part of SCSV, Pericleans hold events on campus and/or in the community that relate to upcoming elections. SCSV encourages and facilitates thoughtful engagement of students in the political process—learning about candidates, understanding issues, and championing knowledgeable opinions. Most importantly, Project Pericles offers a platform to exchange ideas and share practices leading to innovative activities.
SCSV fuels engaged citizenship by (1) sharing information and civic engagement resources to encourage students and community members to be knowledgeable about candidates and important issues, (2) creating a space for dialogue, and (3) helping to register students and community members to vote. The three components of SCSV build on the strengths of our national consortium to support, share, and collaborate on initiatives involving all participating campuses. Campuses utilize an array of opportunities including:
Periclean Program Directors nominate students from their institution to serve on the SCSV student taskforce. The taskforces serves as a focal point on each campus and shares tools, as well as information on national issues with students, faculty, staff, and community members. The taskforces also organizes activities to promote engaged citizenship and political participation. Project Pericles offers small grants to Periclean students to support their work on campus. |
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